2016 Citizen Reviewers

By adelyn-1800, 10 April, 2022
Masthead (Image)
The banner features colourful geometric sections. In the middle is a call for embarking on the 12-month Citizen Reviewer programme.
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Do you enjoy going to the theatre? Do you find yourself bursting to say something about what you have just watched?

Join us in the 2016 Citizens’ Reviews programme.

This is a 12-month process (1 January to 31 December 2016) that aims to provide theatre audience with a space to generate informed observations about the productions they have watched, in the form of theatre reviews. The framework ensures that opinions and responses generated are underscored by some basic rigour in terms of foreknowledge and experience. It should not be a naïve barometer of likes and dislikes, but strive to be an insightful and discerning collection of views and reflections.

The 2016 cycle is expanded to include English- and Chinese-language reviews. Dr Robin Loon, the Centre’s Resident Dramaturg continues his term as the Editor for English-language reviews. Renowned playwright-director Liu Xiaoyi has come on board as the Editor for Chinese-language reviews. The 2016 cycle will kick-start a collaboration with The Theatre Practice’s Practice Lab programmes with the aim of building a reviewing community and facilitate exchanges on critical writing for the stage.

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Selected Citizen Reviewers will:

  • participate in workshops, round-table sessions or small-scaled seminars that facilitate the sharing of approaches, strategies and issues faced among reviewers;
  • be given tickets to attend local theatre productions of their choice;
  • write and submit reviews for editorial critique; and
  • have their bios and written reviews published on Centre 42’s website.
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How to apply:

  1. Download and fill in the Open Call 2016 Application Form. Indicate in the form your preferred language for reviewing.
  2. Email your queries and/or submission to CitizensReviews@centre42.sg.
  3. Successful applicants will be notified by 20 November 2015.

Submission deadline is 30 October 2015.

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2016 Reviews
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Centre 42
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Citizens' Reviews
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