Recalling Mother (2016), Review

By adelyn-1800, 11 June, 2022
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Finding Spaces Between Memories

The performance is housed in a simple set of trapezium wooden frames that grow in width to invite the audiences’ seating area within its staged compounds. It embraces the audience as it implicates him/her. I feel like I am part and parcel of the creation of this work just by being present, and that is a lovely feeling to have before as well as after the performance.

The two actors acknowledge the audience and speak directly to them – complete with conversational gestures and eye contact. After initial awkwardness in both presentation and reception, everyone eases into the casual atmosphere eventually. The bond created through set and actors endures and endears throughout the performance.

Recalling Mother is a new iteration of a work-in-progress for theatre makers Claire Wong and Noorlinah Mohamed.  This 2016 version is its fourth staging. Discovering and rediscovering memories, the duo explore their ever-evolving relationships with their own mothers.

Wong and Mohamed transform themselves as fluidly as memories do. One moment they are their present selves chatting with each other, in the next, they are children watching their mothers cook once more. However, the seamless transitions are most magical when both women alter their physical shape one limb at a time to assume their mothers’ appearance. Watching the detailed transformations right in front of my eyes is a beautiful sight and brings the performance home to me, literally

Recalling Mother is genuine and poignant story-telling. Despite the use of Cantonese and Malay without subtitles, the tone of voice and context given in minimal English at each time are enough to paint the complete picture for the audience.

I left the theatre studio deep in thought while being overwhelmed with emotions. I reflect on my own relationship with my own mother: pondering on what this performance has brought and will bring to our relationship.

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