What's Next, ADN? An Asian Dramaturgs' Network Book Launch and Dialogue

By Yanling, 19 July, 2023
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Centre 42, Asian Dramaturgs' Network
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Bold large title text What's Next, ADN? features next to an image of a book
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We invite you to join us as we celebrate the launch of (Asian) Dramaturgs' Network:  Sensing, Complexity, Tracing and Doing, a publication that brings together a range of ideas, reflections and conversations about dramaturgy and dramaturgs in the region. 

The publication draws material from varied events hosted and organised by the Asian Dramaturgs' Network (ADN) since 2016, and includes new writing on what is involved in the work of dramaturgs and dramaturgical thinkers. The contributors include dramaturgs, practitioners, academics and researchers from varied parts of the Asia-Pacific who have been involved variously in ADN. This work is co-edited by Charlene Rajendran, Peter Eckersall, Daniel Teo, Chong Gua Khee, Nah Dominic and Ugoran Prasad, and published by Centre 42, with support from the National Arts Council. 

At the event we will also introduce the new Director of ADN, Corrie Tan, and discuss some of her plans for the future. Corrie will host a conversation about the book with the co-editors, contributors and all present who wish to participate.

This is an in-person event with a livestream component via the ADN Facebook Page.

If you are currently residing in Singapore, join us at the launch over light bites and drinks. Limited physical copies of the books will also be on sale at the venue.

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Missed the launch of (Asian) Dramaturgs' Network:  Sensing, Complexity, Tracing and Doing? The livestream recording of the event is available here

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A laptop presenting on Zoom. In the background are two speakers speaking to an audience.

View more at: Centre 42 Facebook

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Studio 219 @ Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay
Admission Information

Free Admission! 

This is a hybrid event, with in-person interactions at Studio 219, and online livestream via the ADN Facebook Page

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