Asian Dramaturgs' Network

By Daniel, 19 July, 2021
Logo for Asian Dramaturgs' Network. The acronym "ADN" is printed in white over an orange square, with the full name of "Asian Dramaturgs' Network" written next to it in orange.
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ADN is collaboratively conceptualised with Centre 42 and held its inaugural ADN Symposium in Singapore in 2016. Since then, various gatherings of dramaturgs, performance makers and arts educators from around the Asia-Pacific region have taken place in Singapore, Japan, Australia and Indonesia. Centre 42 is the principal organising partner for ADN.

To date, ADN has hosted seven gatherings, organised one two-year event series, and published three e-zines and a book titled (Asian) Dramaturgs' Network: Sensing, Complexity, Tracing and Doing

(Source: Asian Dramaturgs' Network)