Waterloo Street Stories Audio Plays

By Yanling, 13 July, 2023
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Artwave Studio
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Poster Image with title Waterloo Street Stories at the top and headshots of 4 artists displayed in colourful circles
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Centre 42 and Artwave Studio present a collection of audio plays written by four playwrights selected through an open call process. In these imaginative shorts inspired by the oral histories collected for Waterloo Street Stories, a broken-hearted young man befriends a gnomic astrologer; a cat assists a woman on an adultery investigation; a young rebel negotiates the morality of a dystopic revolutionary Singapore; and in the near-future, a robot uncovers a heritage crime through shards of sound…

Enigmatic, intimate, and boldly imaginative, these are plays that explore the complex inner worlds of both people and their non-human counterparts, subtly revealing the rich and humorous spirit world beneath our everyday ironies and heartbreak.

The four short audio plays are:

by Lim Shien Hian
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You walk down the street. You pick up this audio play. The title compels you: a play on the origin of ‘Waterloo Street’, a reference to the battle that Napoleon famously lost. You don’t really have an idea what it’s about, but only one way to find out: you listen.

Artist Statement:

In writing this piece, I was inspired by the kampung-like spirit that some older residents recounted in their interviews, especially about the early decades on Waterloo Street. I got to thinking about what such a community would feel like in times of extreme crisis. In wartime stories, you hear about people rallying together, sometimes harbouring the persecuted, even helping the enemy. In situating this story in an imaginary war, I wanted to create a world where a harrowing, brutal reality contrasts with everyday human kindness, all set against a backdrop of looming oppression made ever-present by the sonic atmosphere of an audio play.


Advisory: Contains some coarse language and suggested violence.

Creative Team:

Playwright: Lim Shien Hian
Director: Cherilyn Woo
Actors: Benjamin Chow, Isabella Chiam, Timothy Wan, Saifuddin Jumadi, Masturah Oli, Shanjeevi Ganesan

Content Lists
“The Battle of Waterloo Street”
by Laura Hayes
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Natalie is uneasy. Her husband Stanley is behaving strangely. Could he be cheating on her? Determined to discover what he’s hiding; Natalie searches for answers by employing a private detective and going to see an astrologer. Meanwhile, she is watched on her journey by ghostly schoolchildren who echo through time.

Artist’s statement:

This play is set in and around the Stamford Arts Centre, Fortune Centre, and Waterloo Centre. It responds to the Stamford Arts Centre’s history first as the Japanese school built in 1920, then from 1946 until 1951 the Gan Eng Seng primary school, and finally, the Stamford Primary School in the 1980s. It is also inspired by interviews with the current tenants of the Stamford Arts Centre – Stack café/Tipo and nearby businesses: DP Quest Investigation Consultancy Pte Ltd and Sri Krishna Astrology.


Creative Team:

Playwright: Laura Hayes
Director: Cherilyn Woo
Actors: Benjamin Chow, Isabella Chiam, Timothy Wan, Masturah Oli, Shanjeevi Ganesan, Cheryl Ho

Content Lists
"Hide and Seek"
Rajkumar Thiagaras
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Sri is at a crossroads in his life as he watches devotees going into Sri Krishna Temple, waiting for a sign from the universe. When he meets an enigmatic stranger, will Sri finally be able to figure out where his destination lies?

Artist Statement:

As a Hindu, the queerness of bhakti has always been a fascination for me, as spirituality and astrology have played a big part in the lives of my family and me. Thus, the story of Sri Krishna Astrology at Fortune Centre, their association with the temple and their fondness for the coconut tree struck a chord with me. My own spiritual attachment to Waterloo Street, and the various times it aided me whenever I was at a crossroads in life, has inspired this story of a queer man seeking answers for the questions about his life journey.


Creative Team:

Playwright: Rajkumar Thiagaras
Director: Ng Sze Min
Actors: Saifuddin Jumadi, Masturah Oli, Shanjeevi Ganesan, Shaikh Yasin, Cheryl Ho

Content Lists
"Stranger Signs"
by Christopher Chee
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2058 A.D. On the eve of the demolition of the Waterloo Street temples, someone destroyed the nearby vending machines and laid flowers before the temples. Using sound-extraction technology, officers NEO-POL & Leon attempt to identify the culprit(s) and their motivations. What they uncover will be more than they bargained for.

Artist Statement:

The sharing done by the residents and business owners who participated in the Waterloo Street Stories project were insightful, moving and exciting. While some feel that their trade will die with them, others are hopeful that their business will thrive beyond them. And while some lament at the development of Waterloo Street, others welcome it.  Despite their differences, their sharing revealed the friendship, networks, history and pride shared between different business and religious communities. I hope to capture a snapshot of their current sentiments and not let it be lost in history. 



Creative Team:

Playwright: Christopher Chee
Director: Ng Sze Min
Actors: Benjamin Chow, Isabella Chiam, Saifuddin Jumadi, Masturah Oli, Shanjeevi Ganesan, Cheryl Ho

Content Lists
"[Classified] Project Demolition 2058 A.D."
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These audio plays are developed with dramaturgical support from playwright Joel Tan, directed by Cherilyn Woo and Ng Sze Min, and produced in collaboration with local audio creative house Artwave Studio. Suitable for listeners aged 15 years old and above.

The plays will premiere as part of Waterloo Street Stories at Objectifs on 16 August 2023. Click here to listen to the plays on Spotify!

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Waterloo Street Stories by #WaterlooStKakis
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Waterloo Street Stories is a collaborative project by the #WaterlooStKakis for Singapore Night Festival 2023, to spotlight the dynamic and textured stories that make this street unique. #WaterlooStKakis is a neighbourly collective comprising Centre 42, Objectifs, P7:1SMA, SMU-ACM (Arts and Culture Management Programme at Singapore Management University,) and The Theatre Practice.

For the first time since becoming neighbours, the five arts organisations have come together as #WaterlooStKakis to research, curate and produce an arts-led event that celebrates the histories and people of this street. This Singapore Night Festival 2023, we bring to live oral histories collected from diverse communities, through dance, music, photography and plays in Waterloo Street Stories!

Programmes include:

  • Exhibitions: Outdoor installation of photo stories by emerging photographers Marc Chu, Muhammad Zulfadhli, Pek Yan Lin, and Sarah Tan. Also features an indoor showcase of a visual timeline map of the street, memories collected from Waterloo Street communities and an open call that invites the public to reimagine the future of the street.  
  • Music Performances: 2-night outdoor music showcase produced in collaboration with local music production house Panik Records, featuring emerging music artists Alicia DC, Angelo, Krysta Joy and Farizi. The music will include original songs, covers and mixes inspired by the oral histories, street foley and a playlist of songs collected from Waterloo Street communities.
  • Audio Plays: 4 short audio plays inspired by the oral histories, produced in collaboration with local audio creative house Artwave Studio, and written by playwrights selected through an open call - Christopher Chee, Laura Hayes, Lim Shien Hian and Rajkumar Thiagaras. 
  • Movement Responses: Two movement responses to the oral histories and artistic outcomes of this project, which are intended to invite the audience to further reflect upon the past, present and future of Waterloo Street. Dance artists include:  Kansh, Xie Shangbin, Eleanor Si Ying Ee, Nathania Lauren Sim, Dalilah Diyanah, Syarifuddin Sahari
  • Four Horse Road: After Hours:  Offering a rare opportunity to explore the nooks and crannies of a theatre, wander through installations and set pieces of The Theatre Practice’s epic promenade theatre adventure, Four Horse Road. F&B friends Kai’s (@drinkeatkw) and COUPCAT by BUNKERBUNKER will also be on hand to keep stomachs full and cups filled all night long.


Find out more about the project and the various activations here.


Download the Media Release from #WaterlooStKakis here.

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Shanjeevi Ganesan
Shaikh Yasin
Lower Gallery @ Objectifs, Spotify
Admission Information

The Waterloo Street Stories Audio Plays will premiere at Singapore Night Festival 2023 on 16 August 2023, and will be made available online thereafter. Come visit the physical audio booth at the Lower Gallery @ Objectifs and encounter the other Waterloo Street Stories activations at the exhibition.

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