2019 Citizen Reviewers

By adelyn-1800, 10 April, 2022
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The banner features colourful geometric sections. In the middle is a call for embarking on the 12-month Citizen Reviewer programme.
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Calling all aspiring critics! If you love watching theatre performances and putting your thoughts about them down in writing, then we’d like to invite you to become a Citizen Reviewer.

Citizens’ Reviews is a yearly programme that gives up-and-coming theatre critics the opportunity to hone their craft, and join a growing community of fellow reviewers. Now approaching its sixth cycle, the 2019 edition will take place from 1 January to 31 December 2019.

This programme encourages independent learning. Reviewers will be provided with tickets to attend local theatre performances of their choice, after which they will submit a review. The piece will then be edited and published on the Centre’s website. Please note that we will only be accepting reviewers who write in English.

As Citizens’ Reviews is not designed as a course, there will be no regular classes on critical writing. However, reviewers will be invited to attend a week-long training programme, with details to be announced. Reviewers will also have the opportunity to attend monthly meet-ups with the editor and fellow reviewers. 

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Selected Citizen Reviewers will:

  • Be given tickets to attend a wide range of local theatre productions of their choice
  • Write and submit reviews for editing and feedback
  • Participate in monthly meet-ups with the editor and fellow Citizen Reviewers to discuss a range of topics related to the local theatre landscape and the art of review writing
  • Have their bios and written reviews published on Centre 42’s website

We’re looking for people who:

  • Have good knowledge of the local theatre scene
  • Are strong writers with some experience in writing about the arts
  • Possess an open and critical mind
  • Are able to clearly express his or her opinions with supporting evidence
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1. Who is the Citizens’ Reviews programme for?
The programme is suitable for aspiring theatre critics who have good knowledge of the local theatre scene, possess an open and critical mind, and who are strong writers with some experience in writing about the arts. He or she should be able to clearly express his or her opinions with supporting evidence.

2. Who can apply for Citizens’ Reviews 2019?
Anyone who is a Singaporean Citizen, Permanent Resident or resident of Singapore.

3. Is there an age limit?

4. What can participants expect from the programme?
Selected candidates will be given tickets to local theatre productions of their choice by the Centre. They will then submit a review to the Centre for editing before it gets published on the Centre 42 website. As the programme is not designed as a course, there will be no regular classes on critical writing. However, reviewers will be invited to attend a week-long training programme during the year, with details to be announced. Reviewers will also have the opportunity to attend monthly meet-ups with the editor and fellow reviewers.

5. What language can reviewers write in?
For the 2019 cycle, the programme will only be taking in English-language reviewers.

6. Who is the editor for Citizens’ Review 2019?
The 2019 cycle of Citizens’ Reviews will be helmed by Gwen Pew, the Centre’s communications and programmes executive and a former arts writer and editor.

7. How many reviews do Citizen Reviewers have to complete within the 12-month cycle?
All Citizen Reviewers are required to submit a minimum of 10 reviews.

8. Who determines the type of productions to be reviewed? And what are the criteria for the selection of productions for reviewing?
Centre 42 puts together a list of upcoming theatre productions for Citizen Reviewers to select from. In line with Centre 42’s objective of documenting and promoting local theatre, the primary criteria is that they have to be plays that are staged by Singaporean companies, or involve Singaporean theatre practitioners.

9. Will Centre 42 be providing tickets for reviewers?
Yes. Centre 42 will try to request for a reviewer’s ticket from the presenter/theatre company after confirming the date and time that the reviewer will be attending the show. Otherwise, reviewers will purchase their own tickets, and be reimbursed for the full or pre-agreed amount upon submission of their review and ticket receipt.

10. What about non-Singaporean theatre productions? Can reviewers choose to write reviews of them for publication on Centre 42’s platform?
Occasionally, the Centre might recommend foreign productions and include those in the list for reviewers to consider as part of their personal enrichment and development. However, the Centre will not bear the cost of or purchase the tickets to these productions. The Centre will accept written reviews of these recommended non-Singapore theatre productions for publication on Centre 42’s online platforms.

11. What about productions that are not on the list provided by Centre 42?
From time to time, reviewers may come across productions that the Centre may not be aware of. Reviewers can write a request/recommendation to include these into the list for consideration, at least two weeks prior to event date. Do note that reviews of productions not in the Centre’s endorsed list will not be published on Centre 42’s online platforms.

12. When do reviews need to be submitted by?
Reviews should be submitted two to three days after the performance date.

13. Can the reviewer publish his/her written review – original or edited by Centre 42 – elsewhere?
No. All reviews of productions with tickets purchased under Citizens’ Reviews platform will be exclusively published on the Centre 42 website. Reviewers can, however, share the link of the published review on other platforms.

14. Can non-English productions be reviewed?
Yes. We encourage reviewers to watch at least one non-English production during their term, but reviews submitted must be written in English.

15. Can a production or theatre company offer its show(s) to be reviewed by this Citizens’ Reviews programme? Who do they approach?
Yes. Interested organisations can write in to CitizensReviews@centre42.sg to be included in the Centre’s selection of productions to reviewers.

Frequently Asked Questions
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How to apply: 

Submission deadline is 31 October 2018, 2359hrs.

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