Daniel Teo

By adelyn-1800, 31 March, 2021
An image of Daniel Teo, dressed in a sleeveless black top with short wavy hair.
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Daniel Teo is a freelance writer and creative. He has written on a wide range of subjects, from performing arts to interior design. He writes about life and home on Instagram @stayingonthehill. He is an aspiring dramaturg, dramaturging for Being: 息在 by 微 Wei Collective presented at the
M1 Singapore Fringe Festival 2022, and served as co-editor of the Asian Dramaturgs’ Network e-publication ADN Re/View. His other interests include photography, videography and graphic design. Previously, Daniel worked at Centre 42, a theatre development centre, as a researcher, archivist and documenter.

Last Updated: 23 June 2022

Cached body for graphql
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