Animal Farm (2011)

By Charlotte, 17 June, 2021
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George Orwell
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Body Title
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"All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others." 

Something is going on at Manor Farm. The animals have overthrown Farmer Jones and, with the pigs as their leaders, have created a new state for themselves called Animal Farm.

A set of commandments is written as a guide for animal life, but cunning propaganda hides the pigs' true agenda and the ideals of the revolution gradually degenerate. George Orwell’s Animal Farm, originally published in 1945, is one of the 20th century's great novels. In the hands of the award-winning director Ivan Heng and W!LD RICE, this deceptively simple tale of barnyard betrayal is exciting, powerful and urgent theatre.

Vital, sexy and wickedly funny, W!LD RICE has produced a sensational show that will have you squealing for more.

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Lim Yu-Beng
Alecia Kim Chua
Gene Sha Rudyn
Yeo Yann Yann
Gani Abdul Karim
Denise Tan
Daniel York
Philip Tan

Creative Credits

Director/Set Designer/Movement & Choreography: Ivan Heng
Author: George Orwell
Stage Adaptation: Ian Wooldridge
Music Composer: Philip Tan

Lighting Design: Daniel Zika
Sound Design: Bob Wong
Costume Design: Lai Chan
Hair & Wigs: Ashley Lim

Production Credits

Producer: Tony Trickett
Production Manager: Leong Mun Hoi
Stage Manager: Alycia Finley

(Source: Wild Rice Programme)

The programme appears in a grayscale image that covers three quarters of the entire image, and is split diagonally with the title "TEN DAYS" and "Animal Farm" in the middle. An image of the pig tail is visible on the left, while different shades of grey triangle appears patterned on the right.
Teaser Name
Wild Rice
Teaser Date
Date format
Whole date is confirmed