Playwright's Professional Development Residency 2024 - 2026

By adelyn-1800, 31 January, 2024
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Admission Information

Application Period: 1 Feb - 20 Mar 2024

Interested to find out more?

  • Attend the online Information/Q&A session on 19 Feb, Mon, 7pm (Zoom)
  • Register here to receive the Zoom link.


To apply: 

  • Complete the Application Form
  • Submit by Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 11.59PM (UTC+8).
  • Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview with the Programme Facilitators.
  • Results will be announced on 20 April 2024
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The next iteration of the Playwright's Professional Development Residency (PPDR) will run from May 2024 and March 2025. This comes off the back of a joyous year-long pilot run that has helped shape how and why we are holding this residency. Our inaugural residents greatly benefited from the time and space to reflect on their work, the challenge and rigour of this residency, as well as the camaraderie of working as a group. We have been so thrilled and privileged to witness their growth as artists.

We are now inviting up to 4 early-career playwrights who are serious about focusing on their creative development for two years, and who could benefit from the rigour and challenge of this residency. These writers should see themselves thriving in a writer’s group dynamic.

This edition of the PPDR is facilitated by programme co-leads Joel Tan and Jean Tay. Residents will receive a modest stipend during the term of the residency.

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Application Requirements
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– Application Period: 1 February to 20 March 2024 –

Interested playwrights will have to apply through an open call and selection/interview process. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview with the Programme Leads in early April 2024. Results will be announced by 20 April 2024.

To qualify for this Residency, you must:

  • Be above 21 years old.
  • Be a Singapore Citizen, Permanent Resident, or Resident in Singapore.
  • Identify as an early-career playwright with a demonstrable commitment to the craft, a strong interest in growing their practice, and a desire to develop further at a professional level.
  • Have had 1 full-length staging, whether self-produced or as part of a festival/company season.
  • Have received some form of training in the form of mentorships, workshop intensives, formal courses.
  • Are to commit to the full duration of the programme.


To apply: 

  • Complete the Application Form
  • Submit by Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 11.59PM (UTC+8).
  • Shortlisted applicants will be invited for an interview with the Programme Leads in early April 2024. Results will be announced by 20 April 2024.


Interested to find out more?

  • Attend the online Information/Q&A session on 19 Feb, Mon, 7pm (Zoom)
  • Register here to receive the Zoom link.
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About the Residency
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This is a dedicated two-year residency with a structured studio programme designed and run by the residency facilitator(s), complemented by numerous public presentation opportunities in the form of reading events, artist sharings and workshops. 

The underlying philosophy of this residency is to develop the writer, not just the play. We’re providing time, space, and support for writers looking to gain a greater awareness of their voice and point of view, and also to challenge and build their artistry. 

The residency does this through a group format that emphasises mutual support, friendship, and respect, and through a programme that balances reading, discussion, critique and writing. This residency weaves in several opportunities to write and present over its two years. Writers will also have access to workshops with professional theatre-makers, and other industry immersion opportunities.

This residency aims to:

  • Provide a space for residents to rigorously interrogate and develop their practice
  • Provide numerous opportunities to write and build up a small portfolio of residency-specific work
  • Provide multiple public presentation opportunities
  • Directly connect the residents with theatre professionals through workshops, talks, and immersion opportunities
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Residency Schedule
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The 2024-2026 residency is a two-year studio programme comprising the following phases: 

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Residents, together with the residency facilitators, meet to read and discuss plays to hone in on questions of craft, politics, artistry, and their personal point of view. This culminates in a public sharing of writing at the end of the chapter.

  • May - Jul 2024
    Weekly meetings to read and discuss plays, issues, and topics in playwriting. There will be a one-week break after every three weeks.


  • Aug 2024
    Studio time where residents develop writing and presentations for the end-of-chapter public sharing.


  • Sep 2024
Year 1, Chapter 1: May 2024 - Aug 2024
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The residency hones in on a line of creative inquiry that’s shaped by the desires and interests of the group, continuing the work of reading, discussing, and writing. Weekly meetings will take place to discuss craft-related issues and aspirations, and include engaging with guest speakers via masterclasses and artist-talks. This culminates in a public sharing at the end of the chapter.

  • Oct - Nov 2024
    Weekly meetings to read and discuss creative works, issues, and topics in the field of writing. There will be a one-week interval after every three weeks.


  • Dec 2024


  • Jan - Mar 2025
    Studio time where residents develop writing and presentations for the end-of-chapter public sharing.


  • Apr 2025
    Debrief and break!
Year 1, Chapter 2: Oct 2024 - Mar 2025
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The second year gives writers time and space to develop a full length work from idea to a finished draft. The play will be presented as a dramatized reading at the end of the year. The residency structure will focus on group support and critique of these plays, and also expand to provide writers with more tailored support, e.g. engaging with mentors, community groups, shadowing professional processes etc.

  • May - Jul 2025
    Writers present their play ideas and research, and kickstart the writing process. Weekly meetings will focus on bringing in pages for critique.


  • Aug 2025
    Writing break to work towards a first draft of the play.


  • Sep - Nov 2025
    Writers meet to read and critique their first drafts, working towards a second draft.


  • Nov - Dec 2025
    Dramaturgical workshops.


  • Dec 2025


  • Jan - Mar 2026
    Final studio meetings to refine the play, rehearsals for the dramatized readings, and end-of-residency presentations.
Year 2: May 2025 - Mar 2026
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Early-career playwrights who have had at least 1 full-length staging, whether self-produced or as part of a festival/company season. They should also have received some level of training in the form of mentorships, workshop intensives, or formal courses.

Who is this platform for?
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We are looking for playwrights who have a demonstrable commitment to the craft, a strong interest in developing their practice, and a desire to work at a professional level. We’ll choose residents based on a writing sample and interview.

What kind of residents are you looking for? How do you decide the suitability of the application?
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This is a dedicated long-form residency with a structured studio programme designed and run by the residency facilitators, complemented by numerous public presentation opportunities. Centre 42 will also seek ways to engage the residents in workshop opportunities, and actively connect the residents with professional theatre-makers. The residents will also receive a modest stipend for the duration of the residency.

What kind of support will you provide?
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Active commitment and participation throughout the residency. Writers should also be keen to be part of and benefit from an intensive group structure, and be able to bring openness and generosity to this space.

What is expected of the Playwrights in this residency?
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This residency runs for two years and takes in a new studio (group of residents) once every other year. Applications are currently open, until 20 March 2024 for the next residency is slated to commence in May 2024.

How often does this residency take place? How may I apply for it?
Masthead (Image)
A publicity image with a red background colour, title and details of the Playwright's Professional Development Residency Open Call.
Members / Person Credits
Person Profile Reference
Person Profile Reference
Start Date of Residency
Date format
Whole date is confirmed