The Runaway Company

By adelyn-1800, 8 August, 2022
Logo for The Runaway Company.
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The Runaway Company is a youth theatre company that pursues two main aims:

1. the integration of music and theatre in our productions to tell the stories of youths, and

2. the providing of a platform for committed youths with potential to participate in these productions.

We believe that this platform is necessary to allow youths to explore music, theatre and their production, regardless of past experience in these areas. Our productions and activities provide opportunities for all TRC youths to explore new areas of interest or develop in one specialisation, as well as to exchange ideas, skills and knowledge through working together.

We also believe in the power of integrating music and theatre to communicate stories and capture experiences. This can refer to musical theatre, music written to enhance plays, scripts spun out of music, or any combination of these two elements. Music can articulate universal emotions where words or movement fall short. This is relevant not only in making our productions more accessible, but also in conveying the myriad of intense emotions characteristic to youth - a time of transition, change and self-discovery - as we seek to do.

As a registered non-profit society, we pursue our mission as a social cause. As such, TRC members, production members, and exco members do no receive any profits obtained from production surpluses, which are used as capital in the early stages of follow productions. Every member is given sufficient time to consider and officially content to this condition. Thus, all contributions are voluntary commitments of time, effort and resources to support our mission, and we deeply appreciate this support that allows the company to go on running.

(Source: The Runaway Company Website)