December Rains (2015), Review

By adelyn-1800, 22 June, 2022
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Buckets of Tears

December Rains is melodramatic, and then some. Hopeless romantic Chen Li Qing gets together with charismatic and popular student Zhou Ying Xiong (yes, his name literally means ‘hero’), with the help of her best friend – who also happens to be her secret admirer – Zhang Ming Li. Naturally, Li Qing and Ying Xiong are driven apart by Li Qing’s disapproving parents. Ming Li then withholds Li Qing’s letter disclosing that she is *dramatic pause* pregnant with Ying Xiong’s child as Ying Xiong sails off to China to pursue his ambitions.

Adding to this unoriginal and hackneyed plot are the acutely impoverished characters. The reason behind why Korean dramas continue to enjoy high viewership, despite their tacky storyline, is because of the characterizations. These television soaps present fleshed out characters with complex psychological landscapes, dynamic chemistry and believable relationships with one another. Unfortunately, none of the listed factors are present in this musical. The characters’ motives and motivations remain shallow; their actions mostly emotional reactions to the event-driven plot and meaningful communications snuffed out for a poorly constructed series of misunderstandings.

The musical numbers are catchy tunes but they cannot save this trite and corny plot. The strong 18-member supporting cast is also woefully underused. More often than not, their presence appears to be scene-fillers, creating a mini, visually-pleasing spectacle (hint: think wedding ballroom, school, shipping port and airport).

December Rains totters between a television soap and a pop concert, but having the entertainment value of neither. This reviewer’s word of advice is to purchase the CD soundtrack instead – not only it is more economic, it also encapsulates the experience comme il faut.

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