Upstage (2015)

By adelyn-1800, 21 June, 2022
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To celebrate its 50th anniversary, a Mandarin theatre company sets out to stage a classic Singapore play to mark the special occasion. There's only one problem: what play should they select? 

Shortlisting several possible classic plays and enlisting the help of three actors through an audition, the company's artistic director brings the group on a gruelling selection process involving numerous rehearsals, re-enactments and soliloquies. The director plays the role of an historian, hoping to discern the relationship between theatre and history. However, his uncertain attitude, authoritarian at times but mostly non-committal, irks the actors, who themselves feel the tension between them increasing as they struggle to keep up with the demanding pace. 

What conclusion awaits them all as they press relentlessly forward? 

Weaving a wealth of historical material, recorded interviews and scenes from classic works, Upstage explores 50 years of Singapore Mandarin theatre through an interplay of fact and fiction. Uncover fascinating stories of individuals and collectives that are obscured by the tides of history, presented on a stage that extends beyond the realm of theatre. 

Approximately 1h 50m, no intermission.

Performed in Mandarin with English surtitles.

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Director: Goh Boon Teck
Playwright: Cheow Boon Seng
Script Consultant: Quah Sy Ren

Cast: Lim Ngian Tong, Jalyn Han, Jodi Chan, Yeo Kok Siew 

Lighting Designer: Gabriel Chan
Multimedia Designer: Ong Kian Peng
Costume Designers: Max Tan, Yuan Zhiying
Makeup Artist: Zennie Casann

Production Manager: Chan Lee Lee
Piano Accompanist: Beatrice Lin
Surtitlist: Melissa Chin
Stage Manager: Chee Mei Rong
Assistant Stage Manager: Toh Wen Fang
Assistant Stage Manager & Props: Yeo Fu Bi

(Source: Toy Factory Productions Programme)

The programme features four persons walking on the surface of a large sea, pushing forward with long poles. In the background, the sun is rising.
Teaser Name
Toy Factory Productions Limited
Teaser Date
Date format
Whole date is confirmed