Oleanna (2002)

By adelyn-1800, 8 June, 2022
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Date and Venue
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Only year is confirmed
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Only year is confirmed
Person Credits
Person Profile Reference
David Mamet
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By Company / Artist
Body Title
Body Content
Body Text

John, a college professor who is about to be conferred tenure has bought a new house and is prepared to embrace a bright future ahead.

Carol is a student in John's class. She is in trepidation because her poor grades may disqualify her for graduation.

One day, John receives Carol in his office so that he can attempt to understand her learning difficulties. Carol frankly confesses that she cannot comprehend his class at all. Both of them engage in a perpetually truncated conversation and finally, John decides to give Carol a chance. He is willing to provide private tuition for Carol. However, after this meeting, Carol lodges a complaint with the college authorities, claiming that John had sexually harassed her. As a result, John's promotion is adversely affected. He may fail to obtain the college tenure.

When they meet again, John expresses his wish that Carol will withdraw her unreasonable accusation against him. He also tries to defend his actions the other day. Carol is however unmoved. She substantiates her case with legitimizing evidence. In the end, both of them part on bad terms.

During their third meeting, Carol proposes a possible compromise. In exchange for dropping the charges, she wants John's academic works to be permanently excluded from the prescribed reading lists of the school curriculum. While John refuses to comply, he is unaware that a greater misfortune is about to fall upon him...

Body Text

艺术总监: 郭宝崑
原著: David Mamet
剧本翻译: 谢燊杰
导演: 谢燊杰
监制/制作监督: 吴熙
灯光顾问/设计: John Saltzer
音响设计: 庄立权
舞台设计: Sebastian Zeng
舞台制作: 光大室内装修
舞台监督: 赵惠敏
助理舞台监督: 蔡丽诗, 刘原吟
音响执行: 张圣莹
服装: 李莉敏
化妆: 李莉敏
后台工作人员: 张玮晏, 郑秋琳, 李璋儿, 李芷萤

平面设计: 刘瑞聪 [ric@gogomonster.com]
编辑: 吴熙
撰稿: 吴伟硕
翻译: 曾昭程

票务:  林诗意
宣传: 詹辉振, 蔡两俊, 李莉敏

(Source: The Theatre Practice Programme)

The programme features an upside down male-presenting silhouette on the top left corner facing right, and a right side up female presenting silhouette on the bottom left corner facing left, with the title "Oleanna" is written vertically in between. Each silhouette contains distorted human faces.
Teaser Name
The Theatre Practice
Teaser Date
Date format
Only year is confirmed