The Tub (2000)

By christine, 9 May, 2022
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By Company / Artist
Body Title
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Body Text

Inspired by Edgar Degas' The Tub. Cat, Cathy and Catherine. Who are they? Or should it be... Who is she? Inspired by the Degas painting of the same name, The Tub explores the life or the lives of Cat(h(y)erine). By definition voyeurs, the audience in the dark will play the role of the gazer, subjecting the people in the light, to their scrutiny. Building upon the "cleansing" imagery of the painting, this new play takes a peek into the life of a woman with multiple personalities and explores how she deals with the different "dirty" impulses and the internal "cleansing" process in her mind.

Body Text

Director: Li Xuenying
Playwright: Li Xuenying, Chew Hui Min
Cast: Candice de Rozario, Jerry Hoh, Jennifer Castelino

Production Designer: Thoranisorn Pitikul
Lighting Designer: Chew Keng Kiat
Assistant Lighting Designer: Elizabeth Goh
Production Manager: Tan Lay Hoon
Sound Designer: He Yin
Hairstylist: Lynn Leong
Production Assistant: Pebble Tan

Front of House: Glenda Wong
Stage Manager and Sound Operator: Melissa Pang
Lighting Operator: Chester See
Stage Assistant/Follow Spot Operator: Zizi Azah Majid
Stage Assistant: Lynette Tan

(Source: ACTION Theatre Programme)

The programme is presented in A4 size with the production title and texts in black and white.
Teaser Name
ACTION Theatre
Teaser Date
Date format
Whole date is confirmed