The Phoenix Hairpin (1990)

By adelyn-1800, 19 April, 2021
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The Federation, which is composed of leading Chinese Drama Groups presents The Phoenix Hairpin, a tragic love story set in the Song Dynasty, taken from the life of the famous patriotic poet, Lu You.

In the play, the young poet falls in love with his cousin, and although the marriage is initially approved by his mother, she later changes her mind on the advice of a nun who advised that the horoscopes of the two young people are not compatible.

The nun’s motives in giving this advice is suspect as she has another young woman in mind for Lu You's wife. Nevertheless the
marriage is aborted — with tragic consequences.

As befitting the subject matter and the period of the play, the Festival production of The Phoenix Hairpin is set in elegaic mood, with beautiful sets and live music accompaniment.

(Source: Ministry of Community Development Programme)

Teaser Name
Federation of Chinese Drama Associations
Teaser Date
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Whole date is confirmed